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Frequently Asked Questions

Account Questions

Profile and Stash Questions

General Company Questions

Account Questions

Why Should I Sign Up?

By signing up for a TGR account you can readily share photos, stories, and videos with one of the largest communities in adventure and action sports as well as comment and give stoke to things you like. And lucky for you, the members of this community are eager to check out everything you’re cooking up. Whether your adventures take place in skiing, snowboarding, surfing, mountain biking, or some other wild pursuit, TGR provides the perfect home for sharing them.

If your stuff is good, TGR may even honor it as a TGR Pick and share it on the homepage. You can also dive into the legendary TGR Forums, home to some of the most stoke-worthy conversations in action sports.

How do I create an account?

It's easy! Drop in to and follow the steps to begin creating your new TGR account.

How do I change my username?

We do not currently allow for username changes. Please contact if you would like to request a manual username update.

How do I change my password?

First, make sure you are logged in to your TGR account. Then go to and update your information.

What do I do if I forgot my username or password?

No worries—just click over here and we’ll help you recover your username or password through your e-mail.

How do I delete my account?

Really? Ok, we get it. Send an email to and we’ll remove you from the TGR universe and shed a silent tear for your departure.

How do I make a Stash profile?

It’s super easy! First make sure you are logged in to your TGR account. Then just click over here and follow the prompts — you’ll be asked to upload a profile photo and cover photo (similar to Facebook) and tell the public a little bit about yourself. Content you upload to the TGR Community will automatically show up in your profile feed - all your stuff in one place!

I represent a business, organization, community, school, or group. How can I create a profile to upload and share content with the TGR Stash community?

It’s actually the same process as creating a profile as an individual—and it’s FREE! Yes, FREE organic promotion for your brand on, where you can upload your company’s content, photos, stories, product announcements, and what have you. Just click the link here to get started, and please, pretty please, upload a black and white logo as your profile photo (they look great).

How can I advertise with TGR or become a TGR Partner?

Partnering with TGR opens doors to an abundance of promotion, marketing, and advertising opportunities. If you want to connect with the cool kids — a.k.a. the great people we call our friends, readers, community members, and audience — hit up our fabulous sales team at for more information.

Will my email address be publicly displayed?

Nope. Unless you chose to post it yourself, TGR will never publicly display your email address. Our inter-community communications go through our Private Message system, which you can access from your profile. The system doesn’t reveal your e-mail address or any other private info.

If I sign-up with email, how will TGR use my information?

TGR will use your email address to verify you’ve created an account. You will also receive emails if you have new followers on The Stash, have a post become a TGR Pick, or are tagged in a post. From time to time, we may also shoot out an email to all TGR Community members with information about updates or changes to the site. You may update your account email preferences by logging in and going to

What should I do if I don’t receive an account activation email?

Please first check your email Spam folder. If you still can't find your confirmation email, then please email TGR at to request a new confirmation email. Please include the username you used to create your account!

My account got suspended? What do I do next?

Maybe you violated some obscure copyright law. Maybe you tried to destroy the internet. Or maybe your account was suspended simply through a glitch in the internet’s tubes. To find out how to get your account back online email us at

Where should I send delicious home-baked cookies and/or beer and/or iced tea?

Care packages of all varieties, including requests for stickers that include self-addressed envelopes, should be sent to the following address:

  • Teton Gravity Research
  • Attention: TGR Retail Office Manager
  • 1260 Northwest Street
  • PO Box 1346
  • Wilson, WY 83014

If I’m having technical issues with my account, whom should I contact?

If you ask nicely, our web team will be stoked to help you out if you’re having problems with your account. Email them at . Feel free to tip them with pizza or crisp new hundred-dollar bills!

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Profile and Stash Questions

What is The Stash?

The Stash is your collection, your voice, and your place to connect, discover, and share all the outdoor adventures you dream about. Tailor your Stash Feed with content from members you follow, give stoke to posts you like, bookmark videos for watching later, and be notified when other members interact with you by signing up for a Stash profile here:

How do I find other Stash members?

To build your Stash Feed you need to follow other Stash members. You can find members by using the search function in the top right corner of the site or by going to our Find Members page here: There will be follow buttons on every member's profile and on every content post in the author byline.

How do I upload a story?

If you haven’t already created an account, create one by following the instructions at

If you do have an account, click the Upload link at the very top of the page, and then select Post A Story. You’ll need to first select the Type of Story:

  • Trip Reports - For sharing the details of your latest adventure
  • Gear Reviews - For providing candid insights and reviews on a piece of gear
  • Stories - The perfect place for sharing everything else—including videos you wish to embed

Next, add a Title and upload a Cover Photo, which will be the photo used to present your story in the Community.

Then, head to the Body section, where you’ll write your story and upload the photos you want to accompany it. You can also insert videos you upload to TGR or videos from YouTube or Vimeo.

Select the Primary Sport you’re talking about in your story so other people can find it more easily, and then add some pertinent Tags as well as the Location where the story took place. Tags can include information like athlete names, the gear you used, the type of riding your story showcases, or other information relevant to the story. You can also tag yourself, as well as other TGR members, to associate them with the story. Then click Publish.

How do I upload a video?

If you haven’t already created an account, create one by following the instructions at

If you do have an account, click the Upload link at the very top of the page and select Upload a Video from the drop-down menu. Add a Title, and then a Thumbnail Image. For most people this will be a screenshot from the most exciting or interesting moment in their video.

You can take a screenshot on a Mac by holding command + shift + 4 and dragging the cursor to create a rectangle over your video, and then letting go. That screenshot will be copied to the Desktop. In Windows, open your video and hold down Alt + PrtScr. The image will be copied to the Clipboard, so you'll need to paste it somewhere to save it.

Now upload your video by clicking the Upload Video button and choosing the video file. We allow wmv, avi, mov, mpg, mpeg, flv, mp4, mpg4, mkv, m4v, 3gp, and 3g2 video formats and file sizes up to 300MB.

Select the Primary Sport that’s in your video and add some pertinent Tags and the Location of where you shot the video. Tags could include information like the routes or trails you rode, the gear you used, athletes featured in your story, etc. You can also tag yourself, as well as other TGR members, to associate them with the story. Then click Publish.

How do I upload a photo?

If you haven’t already created an account, create one by following the instructions at

If you do have an account, click the Upload link at the very top of the page and select Upload a Photo from the drop-down menu. Start by adding a Title, which will be the title of your single photo or of your entire gallery if you upload multiple photos at once. You’ll see your photo(s) upload and then pop up with a box next to them asking for a Description. These are the captions which will appear under each photo.

Underneath that you’ll see another, larger box marked Description, where you’ll type in the primary text that will appear under your photo or gallery.

Then you’ll need to pick the Primary Sport the photo(s) depict (you can add some secondary ones, too), add some Tags that will help people find your photo(s) when they’re searching for them, add a Location, tag yourself or other TGR members, and hit Publish. Then you’re done!

What’s the difference between a story, trip report, and gear review?

A Trip Report is specifically an account of a recent trip or adventure that you took. It has been one of the strongest features of TGR’s existing community (the TGR Forums) for years. Your trip report could feature a multi-week expedition to mountain bike the Continental Divide, but more likely it covers a weekend spent checking out a new mountain or a day mission to an unfamiliar backcountry zone. We want to know what went down! Take lots of photos and share information that can be helpful to people who might want to try out a similar trip themselves. We’re always stoked when people accompany their photos with funny or entertaining writing.

A Gear Review is pretty self-explanatory: you’re reviewing some piece of gear you loved (or maybe hated). When writing reviews for the site, we tend to organize them in an easy-to-follow fashion. We suggest you use this formula as well:

  • 1) What is the product? For whom is it designed and how is it intended to be used?
  • 2) How does it compare to similar products on the market?
  • 3) Give us some quick background about who you are and where and how you used the product. If you’re testing something like skis, boots, bikes, and other hardgoods, it’s good to know your height and weight so readers can compare them with their own.
  • 4) Where did this product excel?
  • 5) What were its drawbacks?
  • 6) What’s the bottom line with this piece of gear? What kind of person is going to get the most out of it?

Take lots of photos, too—we want to see this thing in action!

A story is pretty much anything else that isn’t the above two things. That could be a long-winded gripe about the current state of outdoor industry marketing BS, an ode to a great climbing or snowboard partner, or your thesis on 21st-century mogul skiing techniques. It’s so hard to do with these damn powder skis!

How can I be more Stoked?

Show other Stash members how stoked you are on their post by clicking the shaka icon, bro! Good vibes for you, good vibes for them - everybody wins. You must be logged in to your account to give stoke.

How do I tag myself or my friends in posts?

Tagging TGR members is a great way to build your Stash profile. To tag members, edit or create a post and go down to the Tagged TGR Members field and start typing a member username. You will see a list of TGR members pop up and you can select the member you want to tag. If you are tagged in a post it will be displayed on your Stash profile under the Tagged In section.

How do I un-tag myself from a post?

Currently you can only un-tag yourself from your own posts which you can do by selecting the edit button on the post you want to un-tag yourself in and finding the Tagged TGR Members field. There you can remove your member name.

If you would like to un-tag yourself from another member’s post, please contact and request the removal.

What is Bookmarking?

Bookmarking a content allows you to save a post on your Stash profile under the Bookmarks section. That way you can view it when it's convenient for you. It can also serve as your collection of all your favorite posts from TGR. To remove a Bookmark from a post, simply go back to the post and click the Bookmark icon at the top of the post again (it should turn from blue to black).

How do I get my content on the homepage?

Ah, yes—the greatest question of them all. Your content — like your trip report, gear review, video, or photo gallery—has the potential to not only be enjoyed by folks in the Community section, but to also be shared on TGR’s homepage. For this to happen, someone on TGR’s staff needs to geek out over your story and select it as a TGR Pick. TGR Picks are featured on the homepage and are part of TGR’s official news feed, which the whole world can see. Fame, glory, and pageviews ensue!

But how will we decide whether you make the cut or not? It starts with the Cover Photo of your story, which should be the most captivating image from your story or photo gallery, or the best screenshot from your video. Your title and short description should be catchy and get right to the point. As you’re putting your content together, ask yourself: is this original? Informative? Epic? Gorgeous? Controversial? Timely? As you get better and better at answering “yes” to these questions, your likelihood of getting your stuff selected as a TGR Pick greatly increases.

Will I be notified if my content is featured on the homepage?

Yes! You will receive an automatic email notification when your piece of content has been selected as a TGR Pick. This notification email can be turned off by logging in and going to

What are all the site alerts and email notifications?

You will receive a notification when:

  • 1) Your content has been chosen as a TGR Pick (site alert & email notification)
  • 2) You have a new follower (site alert & email notification)
  • 3) You have been tagged in a content post (site alert & email notification)
  • 4) A comment is made on one of your posts (site alert & email notification)
  • 5) A reply is made to one of your comments (site alert)
  • 6) A TGR member bookmarks one of your posts (site alert)
  • 7) You content has reached over 500 views (site alert)
  • 8) Weekly Stash Re-cap (email notification)

You can manage your email notification preferences by visiting

Where can I find my content?

Your content will show up on your Stash profile page and also on the stream of content on the main Stash landing page. You can also search for your content in the search bar at the top of the page.

How can I find out how many views and comments my content has received?

Stats about views, comments, and social sharing will be viewable at the top of your story, video, or photo page. This will be public information everyone can see. You can also see an aggregated view count of all your stories, videos and photos on your Stash profile.

How do I report inappropriate content?

Please email with a URL of the content and a description of why it is inappropriate.

How do I flag or report content that infringes on a copyright?

Please email with a URL of the content and a description of how it violates a copyright

What is and isn't allowed on

Please see our for a rundown on what content is allowed on the site and how we moderate it.

Where can I see the terms of use?

A comprehensive Terms Of Use document over here

Where can I see the privacy policy?

Click on over here to get TGR’s full privacy policy.

How will TGR use my content?

In general, TGR will only use your Community content in order to promote it. For example, we might use a photo from your story to promote it on TGR’s Facebook or in our weekly newsletter. We may also feature it on the homepage if it’s especially good.

For a complete list of how we might use the content you share, see what the suits wrote in our Terms Of Use.

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General Company Questions

Where can I learn more about TGR?

Really? We’re flattered. Please check out our About Us Page for more information.

Where should I send press releases?

We don’t post press releases anywhere on our site, and to be honest they tend to be of little value for our editorial team and audience. But if you have something REALLY valuable to share that you think is REALLY pertinent to TGR and its audience, hit us up at

Are you hiring?

We are! Over on our Careers Page, where you can find more information on the positions for which we are currently hiring.

Where is TGR located?

TGR’s world headquarters is in beautiful Jackson Hole (that’s the name of the valley). We’re nestled in the small town of Wilson, Wyoming, at 1260 Northwest Street - right at the base of Teton Pass. Stop by if you’re in town! We love giving tours and even have an on-site retail store.

How can I contribute to

Want to become an official contributor at TGR? Check out our Call For Submissions.

How can I get TGR stickers, merchandise, and films?

Check out our store. We sell every movie we’ve ever made along with t-shirts, backpacks, stickers, hats, and even Shot Skis!

I’m a reporter working on a story about TGR. Whom should I contact for additional information?

For all stories concerning Teton Gravity Research, please reach out to our PR team at

Is this really the last question in this FAQ?

Why yes, yes it is.

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